- CHOW on March 2022 Steel Factory located in Kabinburi Industrial Estate, Prachinburi Provine. It had maximum production capacity of 480,000 tons per year in Phase 2. The Company ready to comeback for re-operating and started to receive the production orders.
- March 2022 Dispose of subsidiaries registered in Japan of total enterprise value of the assets at approximately JPY33,000.0 milion or equivalent to THB9,699million completed.
- CHOW on 13 May 2022, the meeting of the Board of Directors has resolved to approve the Reorganization of the Company, Appointment of Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and Appointment of Chief Financial Officer (CFO).
- CHOW on 13 May 2022, the meeting of the meeting of the Board of Directors has resolved to approve investing in Crptocurrency Mining. The total investment not more than of THB150 million.
- On 17 May 2022, CHOW and CKE Renewable Co., Ltd. (Joint Venture) (“CHOW and CKE”) the winner of auction of CPF Solar Cell Phase 3 project. The Company will be responsible for all operations including investment of solar power generation systems i.e. Solar Farm, Solar Floating and Solar Rooftop at the Project owner’s site in 60 areas to sell the generated electricity at discount price from the average electricity rate of the Electricity Authority for a period of 15 years.