Corporate Social Responsibility

Policy Overview

The Company has recognized the importance of business operation under good corporate governance with responsibility for any impacts occurring from the Company’s business operation on the environment and communities. Its business operation is carried out under the code of conduct and with transparency, openness to inspection, respect for human rights, compliance with legal provisions and adherence to international practices, taking into account the interests of stakeholders and being committed to make ongoing improvement and development as a strong and sustainable foundation for corporate social responsibility.

Operation and report preparation

With awareness of corporate social responsibility, the Company has put in place a corporate social responsibility policy covering the following areas:

The Company adheres to operating its business with honesty and fairness under the competition framework and rules according to the relevant laws and regulations and good corporate governance principles. It has drawn up the code of conduct to guide directors, executives, and employees of the Company to perform their duties with morality and ethics in the interests of stakeholders, i.e. shareholders, the Company and the society.

The Company is committed to running its business with honesty, transparency, and accountability in accordance with good governance. Having realized that corruption impairs free and fair competition and impedes economic and social development, the Company has established an anti-corruption policy in order to fight every type of corruption and on 14 May 2016 joined the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption which will work collaboratively with the government sector, the civil society, the media and international organizations to create transparent business operation standards. The Company’s CAC membership was certified on August 5, 2019 and the certificate will be valid for three years after the date of issuance.

The Company has a policy to uphold human rights and respect for dignity and privacy rights among directors, executives and employees. Practices are as below;

  1. Directors, executives and employees should treat colleagues with respect for their honor, dignity and individual rights.
  2. Directors, executives and employees should treat the individuals politely and equitably, without discrimination in spite of differences in nationality, race, class, gender, age, religion, beliefs and social status.
  3. Directors, executives and employees should have respect for Thai culture and traditions and those of other countries with which the Company has been in business transactions and carry out activities in a way appropriate for social and economic conditions of such countries.

The Company has a policy to provide equal employment opportunity and not to allow discrimination, labor deprivation, harassment or intimidation a resulted from differences in nationality, race, class, gender, age, religion, beliefs, and social status. Executives and employees have opportunity to receive training for equal and proper development of their capabilities as required for the respective job titles and levels. Also, the Company has a policy to maintain good work environment with safety and sanitation conducive to work efficiency.

Employment and labor relations

The Company has set up Welfare Committee in the organization, which is responsible for joining discussions in providing welfare and additional benefits to employees as well as to determine a policy that ensures fair welfare and benefits to employees to promote their work life quality, create work motivation, and develop their work potential on a consistent and comprehensive basis.

In the previous year, the Company’s personnel development and labor relations activities included:

  • Provide orientation for new employees, so that the employees understand how the organization operates its business and to ensure they work in the same direction in compliance with the Company’s policies. 
  • Provide reasonable remuneration commensurate with the employees’ knowledge, competence, responsibilities and work performance of individual employees. 
  • Ensure appointment, rotation, rewarding and punishment of employees are done on an equal and sincere basis, as considered appropriate based on their knowledge and competence as well as the nature of their action or performance.
  • Provide appropriate benefits such as uniforms, accident insurance, provident fund, housing loan, incentives, scholarship, fitness facility, and so on. 
  • Encourage employees to learn and develop knowledge and competence by participating in training courses and seminars outside the Company. 
  • Care for the workplace environment in the factory starting with “Chow Style Relaxation Zone Project,” which encourages all employees to participate in landscaping, and provide hygienic and relaxing corner for employees aiming to increase their work efficiency.
  • Strictly comply with laws and regulations relating to employees.

During 2015-2019, the Company won Outstanding Labor Relations and Labor Welfare Award from Department of Labor Protection and Welfare, Ministry of Labor.

Occupational health and safety

The Company has appointed Safety Committee to determine troubleshooting and promote safety activities. Operational level staff have been granted opportunity to participate as part of the committee so that information from the true needs of staff at operation level is obtainable. The Company pays attention to activities that may pose negative impacts on employees and also activities that may pose external impacts. Thus, the Community Relations Committee has been established in order to jointly make improvement and rectification of significant impacts and promotion of the Company’s participation in community activities.

  • In 2012, the Company joined the Corporate Social Responsibility-Department of Industrial Works (CSR-DIW) program and was granted Green Industry Certificate Level 1: Green Commitment, which has reflected the Company’s commitment to reduction of environmental impact and communication of which was made across the organization.  
  • In 2013, the Company was awarded Green Industry Certificate Level 2: Green Activity, which exhibited the implementation of activities that fulfill the preset commitment to reduction of environmental impact. In addition, the Company received a certificate for compliance with industrial enterprise social responsibility standard (CSR-DIW for Beginner Award).  
  • In 2015, the Company was granted Green Industry Certificate Level 3: Green System, showcasing systematic environmental management with monitoring, evaluation and review undertaken for continuous development, from Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry, and received a certificate and a plaque certifying its organization standards in respect of sustainable social responsibility under CSR-DIW Award.

Diversity and opportunity of equality

The Company has recognized the diversity of language, ethnicity, and education of employees with various communication channels made available through supervisors and comment box. However, so far, there has been no complaint about inequality from any employees.

The Company has attached great importance to production and delivery of quality products to meet customers’ expectations, and performance of duties in their best interests, subject to relevant rules and regulations and/or applicable laws.

Sustainable use of resources

The Company has recognized the importance of resources used as raw materials in the Company’s activities including the use of energy, especially electricity, as the primary source of energy in its steel billet manufacturing process. The Company has been classified as a designated factory number TSIC-ID: 37110-0166 according to the Royal Decree on Designated Factories, B.E. 2540 (1997). The Company has established a policy of energy conservation as guidelines for the organization and set targets for energy conservation taking into account energy consumed per unit of output. It has also prepared a power management report and appointed responsible persons with qualifications as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation. Such report is submitted to the Department of Alternative Energy Development and Efficiency in March every year.

  • In 2014, the Company received a certificate of Clean Technology Transfer project for Metal Industrial Group from Department of Industrial Works  
  • In 2014, the Company received a certificate of the industrial enterprise operating in line with good environmental governance criteria set by Ministry of Industry.
  • In 2019, the company received Green Mining Award 2019 and CSR-DPIM Continues Award 2019 from Department of Primary Industries and Mines, Ministry of Industry and Management System Certification Institute (Thailand)

Pollution prevention and control

The Company uses electromagnetic induction furnace, which results in lower amount of air pollution than other types of furnace. For such pollutant as dust, which consists of iron oxide and other metal fumes contaminating steel scrap, the Company has installed a system to control pollutant emission at the source. With the use of bag house filters, air pollution has been minimized, hence no harm to the health of employees and nearby community.

The Company has adopted measures to prevent, remedy and lessen environmental impact by presenting environmental impact analysis report approved by Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning on 24 September 2008, and having the measures tracking report submitted to Office of the Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning every six months. The Company has also engaged an independent expert to measure the quality of the environment.

The Company is committed to enhancing value to the society by adhering to the principles in the conduct of business with responsibility for creating benefits for the society and the environment under the following practice:

  1. Directors, executives and employees shall participate in public activities for social development and services, e.g. education, culture and environment.
  2. Directors, executives and employees shall participate in community services and support for disaster victims and the underprivileged as appropriate.

Anti-Corruption Policy

The Company is committed to running business with honesty, transparency, and responsibility and in accordance with good governance. Moreover, the Company also places importance to building and supporting good governance culture within the organization for all directors and employees to uphold and with maximum benefits of the organization taken into consideration. Having realized that corruption is detrimental to free and fair competition and hinders social and economic development, the Company has instituted an anti-corruption policy in order to fight corruption of all types, whether directly or indirectly, covering all relevant businesses and transactions of the Company to prevent damage to the Company and the society. Good corporate governance has been emphasized in business operation under ethical, transparent, and examinable management, especially in processes relevant to or at risk of internal fraud as well as corruption of all kinds. As such, the Company has put in place the anti-corruption policy as follows;

  1. Director, executive, and employee is prohibited from asking for or receiving any benefits or assets which will lead to an act or omission of an act in his/her performance of duties in an undue manner, or cause the Company to lose benefits.
  2. Director, executive, and employee is prohibited from offering or giving any benefits or assets to any other person to motivate such person to do an act or omit doing an act in an illegal or undue manner.
  3. In case of an act which is deemed as an internal fraud, such act shall be deemed as a serious act, and action shall strictly be taken against the person concerned according to the rules and regulations of the Company and the relevant laws.